Mar 10, 2013


Since no one but family and a couple close friends reads this blog, I'm going to share a little secret with y'all. 

We know when we're moving! But imagine there are finger air quotes around the "know." Because it could change. This is the date Ben needs to be on base and reporting for duty, not our actual moving date. 

Drum roll please.................................Sept 30, 2013

So, this means we will be in Oklahoma beginning-middle of September. Now the real planning can begin. I've spent the morning printing off moving checklists and restaurant lists (for ordering pizza our first night there) and a list of schools to check out, etc... So glad to finally let the whole thing really sink in and begin. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool beans! And you get to enjoy a lovely fall in the mid-west! Good luck with your planning...
